Canka Pati
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As Canka Pati Association, we take care of our friends who are too sick, old, disabled or abandoned by their owners to live outside, in our garden in Bursa Balabancık, meeting their health, shelter, nutrition and love needs.

This garden was established by volunteers and continues its life thanks to them.

In our garden, our friends are separated according to their breed and character traits. Their regular vaccinations and neutering are systematically carried out by our contracted veterinarians. A friend who comes to our garden as a patient is hosted in our quarantine area until his treatment is completed and is brought together with his other friends only when our veterinarians confirm that he has fully regained his health.

Although we take very good care of them, each of them deserves to be part of a family. We adopt our friends in our garden by having them sign contracts with families we deem appropriate.

We also regularly follow up on our adopted friends. Although humanity is rapidly advancing towards not recognizing the right to life for any living being other than itself, we and volunteers like us continue to stand against this and to be the voice of all our animal friends, regardless of species, who suffer indescribably but cannot express it.

We would like to thank all our friends who share our story and support us.