Canka Pati
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Canka Pati Association defends that non-human animals are “individuals” like humans. Therefore, it accepts that all living beings have equal rights to life. Canka Pati was established to protect animals and their rights.

Our association may cooperate with real and legal persons, public institutions and organizations in studies that are in line with its purpose. During this cooperation process, the association will not compromise on our principles in its bylaws and manifesto and will expect the same sensitivity to be shown by its cooperation and work partners.

In cases that contradict our founding purposes and principles of the association, and if there is no agreement on common values and principles, the association may decide to terminate the cooperation or joint work.

Our association will not accept any support (such as cash or in-kind donations, sponsorships, etc.) from the following institutions and organizations, regardless of their purposes and the benefit to be obtained in favor of animals:

  • Production farms that make financial gains from the violation of the right to life of animals,
  • Organizations that engage in activities that will lead to the destruction of the habitats of endangered animals, wild animals, exotic animals,
  • Organizations that organize entertainment events or sports where animals are forced to act against their will or perform against their nature (horse/dog races, TV programs, etc.),
  • Companies that produce medicines, poisons, firearms, biological-chemical substances and ingredients for human use in order to kill animals.

Cooperation Studies Within Common Interests

Our association may develop and implement joint studies with the institutions and organizations listed above (whose support we will not accept such as cash or in-kind donations, sponsorships, etc.) for the purpose of housing animals so that they can spend the rest of their lives in a non-violent environment, within the conditions specified in our legislation.

The association may carry out studies to produce solutions regarding the issue of animal rights with other Non-Governmental Organizations working in the field of human rights and animal rights.