Canka Pati
  • Türkçe / 
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  • Your Name and Surname
  • Phone Number
  • E-Mail
  • Residence Address
  • Have you ever had a pet before? Yes No
  • If yes, how many?
  • Does the animal/s still live with you? Yes No
  • If no, what is the current status of the animals?
  • Have you ever given your animals to someone else for any reason? Yes No
  • If yes, what is the reason?
  • What area will you offer to the animal you adopt with this contract? House Workplace Garden Balcony
  • What precautions can you take to prevent other animals and people from harming the animal?
  • Do you own the house you live in or is it rented? We are homeowners Rent
  • Will the animal you adopt live with other animals? Yes No
  • How many hours a day will your adopted animal be alone?
  • If you are married or share your home with other family members, does your spouse or all family members approve of living with the animal? Yes No
  • If no; who does not have approval?
  • How many times a day and for how long can your adopted animal be walked?
  • Will you take your pet with you when you need to travel for a holiday or similar reason? Yes No
  • If no, where will you leave it?
  • Do you agree to give your pet fresh water 24 hours a day and dry food suitable for its body type twice a day? Yes No
  • If no; what do you plan to feed it?
  • If the animal you have adopted is a dog, would you accept to walk it at least twice a day for a minimum of 45 minutes, except for special circumstances? Yes No
  • Do you agree that you will never mistreat your animal, never physically harm it, and will always educate and ensure its life in a positive way? Yes No
  • Do you agree to provide all necessary facilities for the treatment of your pet if it becomes ill or has an accident? Yes No
  • Do you agree to never use your animal for fighting, experimentation or any other reason that would harm it or cause it harm, and never mate or breed it? Yes No
  • Do you agree that if you have to part with the animal you have adopted for any reason, you will never sell it or give it to someone else, and that in such cases, you must first contact the adopter (us)? Yes No
  • Do you agree that we will come and visit your adopted animal at least twice a year and that you will definitely send us its images at least once a month through communication channels? Yes No
  • Do you agree to have the missing or mandatory vaccinations and chip implanted for the animal you adopt as soon as you adopt it? Yes No
  • Special Circumstances
  • All the above mentioned items TRUE I will respond and inform the adopter if the conditions change for any reason, otherwise 5199 and 5237 I accept that legal action will be taken against me in accordance with the law numbered.
  • The person who gave the animal to me did so without expecting any compensation or financial gain, solely for the purpose of ensuring that the animal lives a healthy and peaceful life, and if I do not comply with the terms of the Contract to be signed, the following will be accepted in the Contract: 5000 TL (Five Thousand Turkish Lira) I accept and undertake that I will pay the penalty.